Sheff Movement Legislative Priorities 2017 - Read more about the coalition's three 2017 legislative priorities: 1) Ensure that state education finance reforms strongly support and incentivize racial and economic integration both at the district and interdistrict levels. 2) Develop a unified and sustainable statewide school integration program. 3) Require that “progress toward racial and socioeconomic integration” be included in Connecticut’s education accountability systems.
SMC Policy Brief: Pre-K Availability and Access in Hartford Region Magnet and Open Choice Schools - This Policy Brief will address some of the common questions about the scope and demand of the Greater Hartford Area’s Magnet and Open Choice Pre-K program (“RSCO Pre-K”) program including: How many Hartford and suburban students are in publicly funded Pre-K programs of all types? How many RSCO Pre-K seats are available? How do available RSCO Pre-K seats correspond to demand, particularly between Pre-K and Kindergarten? And finally, what are potential obstacles for families in accessing RSCO Pre-K programs?
SMC Policy Brief: Simplifying the Lottery Process: Preferences - This policy brief provides an in-depth look at the system used for lottery preferences for regional integration programs (interdistrict magnet schools and the Open Choice program) in Greater Hartford. We believe that the preference system for student admission needs to be more transparent.
An Introduction to the Voluntary Two-Way School Integration System in the Hartford Area
An Introduction to the Voluntary Two-Way School Integration System in the Hartford Area
Sheff Movement Newsletter: Winter 2012-13 - Our newest issue of Integrated Voices features the following articles: School Fairs Draw Large Crowds Test Scores Helping to Close State’s ‘Achievement Gap’ in Education Where Are They Now? Magnet School Diversity Struck a Chord with a Wethersfield Music Student Magnet School Settles Into Long Awaited Glastonbury Home Higher Graduation Rates for Magnets
A Parents’ Guide To the Voluntary Two-Way School Integration System in the Hartford Area (2012)
Sheff Movement Newsletter: Summer 2012 - In this issue of Integrated Voices: CREC Magnet Schools Under Sheff Settlement Outperforming State Averages and Reducing the Achievement Gap Magnet School Spotlight: Annie Fisher STEM Hartford Area Parents Attend National Conference on School Diversity A City Magnet Inspires A Former Suburban Student To Teach D.C. Youth Parent’s Corner by Lorenzo Blake
Sheff Movement Newsletter: Spring 2012 - Our first issue of Integrated Voices features the following articles: Increase in Number of Children and Families Seeking Magnet Schools and Open Choice Programs New research on benefits of diversity in early education State of Integrated Education in the Hartford Region Magnet School Spotlight: Environmental Sciences Magnet School at Mary Hooker 7
Sheff Movement Survey Study by Alexis B. Browne, Lauren H. Friedman, and Sean T. Harrington - A new poll released by the University of Connecticut examines public attitudes toward voluntary school integration. The poll found that Connecticut residents strongly support the voluntary two-way integration programs that are the backbone of the Sheff v. O’Neill settlement agreement.
Boston’s METCO Program: Lessons for the Hartford Area by Erica Frankenberg (2007)
Improving and Expanding Hartford’s Project Choice Program by Erica Frankenberg (2007)